ballerina/websubhub Ballerina library


Package Overview

This package contains an API specification to implement W3C WebSub Hub which facilitates a push-based content delivery / notification mechanism.

This package contains following components :

  1. API Specification of W3C WebSub Hub specification.

  2. HTTP based Hub Listener implementation.

  3. HTTP based implementation of Hub Client which is responsible for delivering content to subscribers.

  4. HTTP based implementation of W3C WebSub Publisher specification.

Basic flow with WebSub

  1. The subscriber discovers from the publisher, the topic it needs to subscribe to and the hub(s) that deliver notifications on updates of the topic.

  2. The subscriber sends a subscription request to one or more discovered hub(s) specifying the discovered topic along with other subscription parameters such as:

    • The callback URL to which content is expected to be delivered.
    • (Optional) The lease period (in seconds) the subscriber wants the subscription to stay active.
    • (Optional) A secret to use for authenticated content distribution.
  3. The hub sends an intent verification request to the specified callback URL. If the response indicates verification (by echoing a challenge specified in the request) by the subscriber, the subscription is added for the topic at the hub.

  4. The publisher notifies the hub of updates to the topic and the content to deliver is identified.

  5. The hub delivers the identified content to the subscribers of the topic.


WebSub Hub Specification

One of the key features of this package is the ballerina specific API abstraction for WebSub Hub specification.

According to the W3C WebSub specification Hub has following responsibilities.

  • Register / Deregister topics advertised by the publishers.
  • Subscribe / Unsubscribe subscribers to advertised topics.
  • Verify the valid subscriptions.
  • Distribute published content to the subscriber base of a topic.

In the API specification for WebSub Hub, package provides following abstractions to be implemented.

  • Publisher Interactions
remote function onRegisterTopic(websubhub:TopicRegistration msg)
             returns websubhub:TopicRegistrationSuccess | websubhub:TopicRegistrationError;

remote function onDeregisterTopic(websubhub:TopicDeregistration msg)
             returns websubhub:TopicDeregistrationSuccess | websubhub:TopicDeregistrationError;

remote function onUpdateMessage(websubhub:UpdateMessage msg)
            returns websubhub:Acknowledgement | websubhub:UpdateMessageError;
  • Subscriber Interactions
remote function onSubscription(websubhub:Subscription msg)
             returns websubhub:SubscriptionAccepted 

remote function onSubscriptionValidation(websubhub:Subscription msg)
             returns websubhub:SubscriptionDeniedError?;

remote function onSubscriptionIntentVerified(websubhub:VerifiedSubscription msg); 

remote function onUnsubscription(websubhub:Unsubscription msg)
             returns websubhub:UnsubscriptionAccepted

remote function onUnsubscriptionIntenVerified(websubhub:VerifiedUnsubscription msg);

Since WebSub Specification is not thorough enough with regard to the relationship between the Publisher and Hub;

  • Below methods are strictly websub compliant

    • onSubscription
    • onSubscriptionIntentVerified
    • onUnsubscritpion
    • onUnsubscriptionIntenVerified
  • Below methods are not strictly websub compliant

    • onRegisterTopic
    • onDeregisterTopic
    • onUpdateMessage

Hub Listener

HubListener is essentially a wrapper for ballerina HTTP Listener. Following is a sample of the hub-listener.

  • websubhub:Listener using http:Listener.
listener websubhub:Listener hub = new(new http:Listener(9091));
  • websubhub:Listener with port number.
listener websubhub:Listener hub = new(9090);

Hub Client

WebSub HubClient can be used to distribute the published content among subscriber base. Current implementation is based on ballerina HTTP Client.

client class HubClient {
    remote function notifyContentDistribution(websubhub:ContentDistributionMessage msg) 
            returns ContentDistributionSuccess | SubscriptionDeletedError | error?

Following is a sample of WebSub HubClient.

type HubService service object {
    remote function onSubscriptionIntentVerified(websubhub:Subscription msg) {

        // you can pass client config if you want 
        // say maybe retry config
        websub:HubClient hubclient = new(msg);
        check start notifySubscriber(hubclient);

    function notifySubscriber(websubhub:HubClient hubclient) returns error? {
        while (true) {
            // fetch the message from MB
            check hubclient->notifyContentDistribution({
                content: "This is sample content delivery"

WebSub Publisher Client

PublisherClient APIs are defined by the Ballerina standard library team and it has nothing to do with websub specification. As mentioned earlier, Even though the websub specification extensively discusses the relationship between the subscriber and hub, it does not really discuss much about the relationship between the publisher and hub.

Following is a sample of WebSub Publisher Client.

websubhub:PublisherClient publisherClient = new ("http://localhost:9191/websub/hub");

check publisherClient->registerTopic("");

var publishResponse = publisherClient->publishUpdate(
                "action": "publish", 
                "mode": "remote-hub"


import ballerina/websubhub;Copy


Released date: about 3 years ago

Version: 0.2.0-alpha8


Platform: java11

Ballerina version: slalpha5

GraalVM compatible: Yes

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Total: 26297

Current verison: 1

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